Whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection.
Doctrine and Covenants 130:18CLICK HERE for this week's lesson from LDS.org
*Just an idea*
Did you enjoy learning something new about the Prophet and Apostles during my talk on Sunday? Use this LINK to learn some more facts with your family. (It's also above in the list of links so you can refer back to it each week) Enjoy!
Ideas from Lindsey:
For all ages! Invite each member of the family to come prepared to teach the family how to do something. Have them choose something they love to do. For example, how to bake cookies, golf basics, how to play an instrument, a craft, colors of the rainbow, etc. It could be as simple as showing the steps to make chex mix puppy chow...or the basics of shooting free throws.
Write thank you cards to your teachers! (yes...your teachers do save them and appreciate them!)
Tip: If your professor writes you a letter of recommendation its polite to send them a thank you card.
Show your children pictures of you graduating, your diploma, and other important certificates you have earned from education. Consider also showing your CPR card, personal trainer certification, teacher license, white coat, etc. Teach children that education is a lifelong pursuit and there are hundreds of ways to continue learning and increasing your knowledge.
Do a sensory motor activity with your family:
- Write large letters/names on sheet of paper and place in a sheet protector. Spray sheet protector with shaving cream and trace letters with fingers.
- Fill a tub with water (add a couple drops of food coloring) and allow young kids to play in water. Add measuring cups, graduated cilanders, syringes (no needle), and water droppers.
- Fill a bucket with flour and hide small toys. Let kids dig through flour to find the toys. (rice, beans, sugar, dirt, and sand will work too)
- Egg that drops down in the bottle
- Vinegar volcano
- more ideas click here
Teach your family about the primary colors. Demonstrate how to create secondary colors...and tertiary colors. Fill 3 jars with colored water; red, yellow, blue. Then have kids help you combine colors in clean jar to create orange, green and purple. Continue with tertiary colors if you feel so inclined. Show the color wheel
Have each member of the family choose a career they would like to pursue. Research it and determine how much education is necessary for that chosen career.
CLICK HERE to see ideas from our wonderful Bishopric
CLICK HERE to see ideas for this week's lesson from the Relief Society
CLICK HERE to see ideas for this week's lesson from the Young Family
Featured FHE Photo...These families joined together to enjoy a lesson on being good friends! Thanks for submitting!
Next weeks Lesson: Entertainment and Media
Here's some ideas from the Relief Society leaders:
ReplyDeleteHymn: Teacher do you love me? Primary song #178
For Younger Children* Start by telling the story “Benjamin Quits Kindergarten” (Friend, Sept 1995). Discuss the importance of obtaining an education.
School humor
Write these riddles/jokes on slips of paper. Let each person draw a paper and ask the riddle to the group.
Even though school can be hard work, these jokes show that learning can be fun—and funny too.
What rock group has four men who don’t sing?
Mount Rushmore.
Where do pencils come from?
What kinds of food do math teachers eat?
Square meals.
Why were the early days of history called the Dark Ages?
Because there were so many knights.
If there are ten cats in a boat and one jumps out, how many are left?
None. They are copycats.
Why did the music teacher need a ladder?
To reach the high notes.
What is purple and 5,000 miles long?
The grape wall of China.
Why did the teacher wear sunglasses?
Because his students were so bright.
What is a liquid that doesn’t freeze?
Hot water.
Which month has 28 days?
All of them.
Activity-When I grow up.
Have each child draw a picture of what they want to be when they grow up. Discuss what type of education they need to do that job well. Be sure to have answers ready for jobs like "being a mom" or "baseball player".
A person claps only the rhythm of a known hymn or primary song. The other players try to name the hymn from the rhythm being clapped. The person who guesses correctly gets to be the next clapper.
For Teenagers or Adults* Discuss the following quotes and story from Elder Russell M Nelson (“Where is Wisdom?” Nov 1992 Ensign). Testify of the importance of obtaining as much education as possible.
Read Job 28: 12
Have the kids write down possible careers. Ask them what kind of college they would like to attend. Get on the Internet and look at that college. Print out things that they like and make a college collage.
Where is it? What's the weather like? What is the mascot? What are interesting programs there? (Study abroad, etc...)
Here is a link to an entire FHE plan with the education topic. It has hymn, snack, activity, etc...great ideas with an object lesson.
Another contributor! Heidi Tanner
ReplyDeleteWith our little kids, we are planning on singing "The Wise Man and the Foolish Man." Then we are going to explain what is means to be wise. We'll talk about gaining both spiritual and secular wisdom and from what sources we gain each.
To show the process of learning, we are going to watch videos of each of the girls when the were small babies. We'll talk about the things they could not do then that they can do now. We'll also point out the things that we, their parents, can do that they can someday learn to do.
We probably will then read some books together:)