Monday, May 28, 2018

Week 4: Education (Happy Memorial Day!)

Whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection.
Doctrine and Covenants 130:18

CLICK HERE for this week's lesson from

Suggested song: Scripture Power

Activity Ideas:
For all ages! Invite each member of the family to come prepared to teach the family how to do something. Have them choose something they love to do. For example, how to bake cookies, golf basics, how to play an instrument, a craft, colors of the rainbow, etc. It could be as simple as showing the steps to make chex mix puppy chow...or the basics of shooting free throws.

Write thank you cards to your teachers! (yes...your teachers do save them and appreciate them!)
Tip: If your professor/teacher writes you a letter of recommendation its polite to send them a thank you card.

Show your children pictures of you graduating, your diploma, and other important certificates you have earned from education. Consider also showing your CPR card, personal trainer certification, teacher license, white coat, etc. Teach children that education is a lifelong pursuit and there are hundreds of ways to continue learning and increasing your knowledge.

Do a sensory motor activity with your family:
  • Write large letters/names on sheet of paper and place in a sheet protector. Spray sheet protector with shaving cream and trace letters with fingers.
  • Fill a tub with water (add a couple drops of food coloring) and allow young kids to play in water. Add measuring cups, graduated cilanders, syringes (no needle), and water droppers.
  • Fill a bucket with flour and hide small toys. Let kids dig through flour to find the toys. (rice, beans, sugar, dirt, and sand will work too)
Demonstrate your favorite science expiriment for your family:
  • Egg that drops down in the bottle
  • Vinegar volcano
  • more ideas click here

Teach your family about the primary colors. Demonstrate how to create secondary colors...and tertiary colors. Fill 3 jars with colored water; red, yellow, blue. Then have kids help you combine colors in clean jar to create orange, green and purple. Continue with tertiary colors if you feel so inclined. Show the color wheel

Have each member of the family choose a career they would like to pursue. Research it and determine how much education is necessary for that chosen career. 

Next weeks Lesson: Entertainment and Media

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