Wednesday, August 21, 2013

September 23rd: The Commandments

These ideas come from the following blog:

Chapter 3, Lesson 4: “The Commandments”

Opening Song: "Keep the Commandments" (Primary songbook)

Follow up on commitments made and kept from last week

Discussion: Why does our loving Father in Heaven give us commandments? Read the section entitled “Obedience” in PMG on pg. 72.

Activity: Can we name all of the 10 commandments? As a family try to name them (pg. 76 of PMG)
Create a short obstacle course outside or in the family room of your home with 10 obstacles (each one labeled as one of the 10 commandments you named). With a stop watch take turns racing through each obstacle and saying it as you go through it. Repetition will help them remember. You might use:

Step up onto “Thou shalt have no other god's before me”
Hurdle over “Thou shalt not make any graven images”
Slide under “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain”
Jump through “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy”
Leap up to touch “Honour thy father and thy mother”
Cross the balance beam for “Thou shalt not kill”
Somersault over “Thou shalt not commit adultery”
Dodge around “Thou shalt not steal”
Throw a ball through “Thou shalt not bear false witness”
Collapse on the cushions for Tthou shalt not covet”
Let each child go a few times repeating the commandments and trying to improve their speed.

Discussion: Can you think of any other commandments the Lord has given members of his church?
See pg. 73-80 of PMG

Explain, Apply and Testify: How do the commandments show Heavenly Father's love for us? Why are we happier when we keep them? Have you seen this in your own life?

Activity: Let each family member choose one of the things God commands us to do on pg. 73-80 of PMG and tell how he would teach the importance of obedience to that commandment to an investigator or someone who asked him questions about his beliefs.

Families with young children: Sing the primary song (pg. 112 of the Primary songbook) or one of the many rhymes available to practice the 10 commandments. Point out specific times you may have seen each child keeping one of the commandments and how proud you are of them for their obedience.

Older teens or adults: For each commandment in the lesson, list the scriptural promise that goes with it or choose one scripture from the list provided in PMG that you think best teaches or illustrates that commandment and highlight it in your scriptures or book with cross references. Share with your family or your spouse how the Lord's promises have been realized in your life as you have kept the commandments.

Commit: Make it a family goal to practice saying the 10 commandments throughout the week (right before dinner or scripture reading or prayers) and try to memorize all 10 of the Lord's commands by next week. Consider an incentive award for anyone who can recite all 10.

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