Monday, May 13, 2013

Week 7: Friends

Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
Matthew 25:40

CLICK HERE for this week's lesson from

Ideas from Lindsey:
Make a "recipe" for a good friend. Include all the ingredients and directions. Be creative.
Share with your children (or spouse) a story about a best friend from your childhood. Share how they molded your life for the better.
List the top 10 ways you can be a good friend.
Write thank you letters to friends.
Read two descriptions of friends to your little children. One example could be about a bully, the other a good friend. Have them choose which one they want to be.
Discuss with your teens the severity of bullying and make an action plan of how they can stop bullying. (Here is an VIDEO on bullying from priesthood session)

Ideas from Elder's Quorum:

-Turn off all the lights in the house and any appliance that makes noise.
-Light some candles and pause for 60 seconds of silence before you start FHE
-Opening song can be "Keep The Commandments"
-By the candle light read the 115th section of D&C, paying particular attention to versus 5 and 6.
-When do reading listen to the Holy Ghost and ask your family who you would reach out to in the Hilliard ward if there was a disaster in your family.
-Pick this family and do something special for them in the week; ding-dong ditch some cookies or something like that.
-Closing song can be "A Childs Prayer"

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