Wherefore, men … are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death.2 Nephi 2:27
CLICK HERE to view ideas from LDS.org (including talks, videos, quotes, and ways to integrate Duty to God and Personal Progress into your Family Home Evening)
Here are some ideas for this week:
“Who’s on the Lord’s Side” (Hymns,
the Right” (Hymns, #239)“Choose the
“Dare to Do Right” (Children’s Songbook, p. 158)
- Let's Make a Deal
- Shutes and Ladders
- Life
- Sorry
- Scavenger Hunts
Maze. Copy a maze for
each person. Talk about making wrong
choices that lead to a “wall”
and right
choices to get to the end.
Smiley Face/Frowny Face Game
Give each member of the family a popsicle stick with a smiley and frowny face on it (back to back). When you read examples each family member holds up either the happy face or sad face to reflect if the choice was good or bad. Choose examples specific to your family. For example: I go to Primary, I
poke my friend instead of folding my arms, I say thank you, I laugh when another child falls down, I put away my dishes, etc.
LDS Living Agency Lesson Click Here
Treat idea: Decorate sugar cookies with smiley faces!
The ideas are endless...and I'm sure some of the weeks will get harder. Please post below your FHE ideas for this lesson. It's never to early to think ahead. Next week's lesson is:
Treat idea: Decorate sugar cookies with smiley faces!
The ideas are endless...and I'm sure some of the weeks will get harder. Please post below your FHE ideas for this lesson. It's never to early to think ahead. Next week's lesson is: