By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his sins—behold, he will confess them and forsake them.
Doctrine and Covenants 58:43
CLICK HERE for this week's lesson from
Ideas from Lindsey:
Decorate a beautiful white cake. Relate it back to being clean on your baptism day (or Sunday after you repent). Then sprinkle some dirt on the cake which represents some things we need to repent of. Keep sprinkling small amounts until the cake is covered. Ask if they would want to eat it still. Teach about repentance and serve white cake/cupcakes for a treat.
From Josh Snodgrass...
The following is a favorite object lesson that Josh Snodgrass shared. "My siblings and I loved it so much that our parents did the lesson several times. It involves a glass of water which represents our life. You put drops in the water which represent sins. Our parents asked us to try to make the water look clean again. Of course we could not to take the drops out and make the water clear again. But then our parents explained how the atonement works when we repent, and they added bleach to the water, making it clear again. I asked my mother about the lesson, and she showed me this website that describes how to do it:"
Boyd K. Packer, “How to Survive in Enemy Territory,” Ensign, Oct. 2012, 28–31
D. Todd Christofferson, “The Divine Gift of Repentance,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2011, 38–41
1. What keeps us from repenting?
2. What did Jesus Christ mean when He said, “For behold, I, God, have suffered
these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent” (Doctrine and
Covenants 19:16).
3. What are the blessings of being forgiven?
VIDEOS- These videos are EXCELLENT!
“A Change of Heart”
“Whoever you are and whatever you have done,
you can be forgiven. Every one of you ... can
leave behind any transgression with which you
may struggle. It is the miracle of forgiveness; it
is the miracle of the Atonement of the Lord Jesus
Christ. But you cannot do it without an active
commitment to the gospel, and you cannot do
it without repentance where it is needed. I am
asking you … to be active … and … be clean. If
required, I am asking you to get active and get
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, “We Are All Enlisted,” Ensign or
Liahona, Nov. 2011, 45
Here is a link to a great FHE lesson provided by the Sunday School Presidency: WORD DOC
(Please let me know if the link doesn't work...I tried a new way without using dropbox, thanks!)
Ideas from Heather Teeples:
From PrimaryThis weeks sharing time lesson In Primary was called, "When I Repent, I can be Forgiven." I thought I would share some of my ideas and websites I found most useful when putting together my sharing time. Hopefully, this along with Sister Willkinson's ideas, will help you in putting together your Repentance Family Home.I based most of my Sharing Time Lesson from a blog called Little LDS Ideas. started my sharing time using a Caterpillar named Spot. I shared with the kids Spots day. During his day Spot had made 6 sins/mistakes. Every time he did we added a bright yellow spot to the Caterpillar. At the end of the story of Spots day we talked about how Spot could be clean again and have his spots removed through Repentance. The blog presented the ABC's of Repentance. A Admit, B Be Sorry, C Confess and D Don't do it again. We talked about each of these steps and when we got to the C for Confess we discussed who Spot needed to Confess too and how he could correct his sins or mistakes. As the kids gave me their answers we would remove a bright yellow spot off of Spot the Caterpillar until he was all clean again. We wrapped up Sharing time with making sure the kids understood that Repentance can be used as often as needed and if we follow the ABC's step of Repentance we can always be forgiven. I was truly impressed with how well the kids did. The next extremely helpful blog was called Sophia's Primary Ideas. will want to scroll down to Week 4- When I Repent, I can be Forgiven."I loved the variety and how there were a lot of ideas that could match all different ages. You have to remember the ideas are geared for a Primary Sharing time but I feel they are easily adaptable to Family Home Evening. Some of my favorites are the Now & Later game, the Math Problems and the Cinderella idea.The last helpful website is from The Hatch Patch. nice thing about this website is that it has the whole lesson planned out with handouts. All you have to do is print everything off. For young children it is Great. I love how they have the main statements and scriptures using pictures for the words.If you are having a hard time bringing up any of the websites just go to On their main page is a Primary section. Right below the word Primary is says Sharing Time and lists all the months. Click on June and then click on week 4. You will find all the websites except the first one under that heading. Good Luck!
Next week's lesson: Sabbath Day Observance
Please keep those new ideas coming!!!